ASP Script

This ASP script is used both for uploading and downloading of files on an IIS server. This script is the work of Free ASP Upload. I modified it to be used with this application. When the script is installed and you the type the full address of the upload webpage, you will get something like this:

The script displays the upload section where you can select a file and upload it. The second part of the screen displays the files that are uploaded and you can download this wherever you want. You can consider this as a resting place for your files be it reports or backups of data.

In the last section, the files that are uploaded is displayed again, but in a different format. This is the format the android application uses to find the files that can be downloaded. The words just before and just after this file list are used as markers for the android application to find the files. If you modify this script, just take this into account. (This script can be used to implement your own cloud storage. It is free for use.)

The ASP script is as follows:


This file is also needed:


The procedure to install this on an IIS server is as follows:

The URL you should use in the setup screen will then be something like